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Reviewing within Memento

The tools described below are useful ways to help manage your page design process, particularly for team-built books. Formal proofing and review of your yearbook occurs on the Studio Source Dashboard. For full details on how to conduct a formal review of your yearbook, check out the article Submitting & Proofing.

Book Ladder Review

Memento includes tools to help complete pages when the book is being built by a large team, such as teachers working with a group of students. Junior team members may submit their assigned pages to be approved by the Editors/Editors-in-Chief.

Submitting a Page for Review

To send a page to the Editor/Editor-in-Cheif for review:

  1. Hover over the page you want to submit
  2. Click the Meatball Menu
  3. Choose Submit Page for Review
  4. Add comments or questions for the reviewer (optional)

The page will display a blue dot over it after it has been submitted. The status will also be shown when hovered over by all staff-level team members.

Note: The page is no longer editable in this state by any team member.

Reviewing Pages

When an Editor/Editor-in-Chief views the book ladder, pages submitted for review will appear with the same blue dot over them.

To review a page:

  1. Hover over the page
  2. Select Review
  3. Write a Comment
  4. Select Reject Page or Ready for Proofing

A page marked Ready for Proofing will display an orange dot over it, indicating that no further work is required on the page and it is locked for editing.

A page marked Rejected will display a red dot over it. Rejected pages are fully editable. New comments are displayed before the page opens in the editor.

Rejecting Pages After Approval

After a page has been designated as Ready or Proofing, an Editor/Editor-in-Chief may still reject the page to make it editable.

To reject an individual page after it is approved:

  1. Hover over the page
  2. Click the Meatball Menu
  3. Select Reject Page

To reject a whole section or the entire book:

  1. Check Out the book
  2. Click the Kebab Menu
    • For rejecting a section, this is located on the right side of the specific section
    • For rejecting the entire book, this is located at the bottom of the page
  3. Select Reject All Pages

Rejecting an Entire Portrait Section

Since portrait sections are created as a series of connected pages, all pages within the section must be editable in order to make changes to any single page.

Note: Changing certain aspects of the portrait section may trigger a reflow of portraits for the entire section.

To reject all pages in a portrait section as an Editor/Editor-in-Chief:

  1. Check Out the book
  2. Click the Kebab Menu at the right side of the section
  3. Select Reject All Pages
  4. Write a Comment about the changes

Once rejected, the entire portrait section will display red dots over the pages, ready for corrections in the editor.

Viewing Page Comments

To view page comments:

  1. Hover over the page
  2. Click the Meatball Menu
  3. Select View Comments

Note: New comments cannot be added without a page submission or rejection.

Tip: To view the pages on a larger scale in Book Preview mode or as a PDF Preview, check out the section Additional Views on the Book Ladder in the Book Management article.

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