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Book Status & Deadlines

On the Status Report tab, you will find the deadline and the current progress of the yearbook. This page will help you gauge how far along in the yearbook design process you are, so you can submit your yearbook by the scheduled deadline.

Status Report

Editors/Editors-in-Chief may review the book’s Status Report under the Admin menu options.

The status report breaks down the current progress of your yearbook’s interior pages. Memento divides page status into six categories, but as a Studio Source client, your pages will only use five of these statuses.

  • A. Not StartedBlank pages added to your book that have not been edited
  • B. In Progress – Pages that have been edited, but not completed or sent to review
  • C. Ready for Review – Pages submitted to the Editors/Editors-in-Chief for approval or comments
  • D. Ready for Proofing – Pages that have been approved and ready to be moved through to the final proofing process
  • E. Rejected – Pages reviewed but rejected by the Editor-in-Chief or Editor
  • F. Approved for Printing – This status will never appear on your ladder, as final proofing occurs on the Studio Source Dashboard

Page Status Highlight

The Highlight feature, located at the bottom of the book manager, enables you to see which pages need your attention.  By default, the Highlight is off.

To Highlight pages:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu arrow
  2. Select a status

Note: The pages with the selected status will be highlighted, and the remainder of the pages will be greyed out.

Submission Deadline

The book’s submission deadline is set by your studio based on your school’s requested delivery date.

Once your yearbook is submitted to the publisher, there are a number of steps to be completed before it arrives printed and bound at your school ready for distribution. Sufficient time between the submission deadline and the requested book delivery date has been alloted.

Table of Contents