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Candid Photo Management

Candid photos can enhance your yearbook design and bring it to life. Easily organize all of your candid photos with Memento’s built in management system. You can upload photos using the Yearbook Photo Albums or the Community Photo Albums.

Image Formats

Memento Yearbook supports jpg, heic and png file types. Generally, jpg and heic should be used for photos and backgrounds. Since png files support transparency, they are used primarily for clipart embellishments. The maximum image file size is 20 megabytes.

Note: You cannot change the file name extension to convert an image file from one format to another (eg. do not rename a file from Filename.pdf to Filename.jpg). You’ll need to convert the image by resaving it in an image editing software.

Tip: Information on converting file types can be found in FAQs at the bottom of this page.

The Dos and Don’ts of Photo Management

Before you begin uploading just any photo to the Community and Yearbook Photo Albums, review our Do’s and Don’ts of Photo Management to be sure you choose the best photos and you make the most of your time designing your yearbook.

Create several albums based on your sections or page themes. Less photos per album are easier to sort and select. Don’t create albums for specific people or by date, or use only one album for all photos. Sorting and selection will be very difficult.
Upload or transfer only the best photos – ones that are good candidates for use in the book. Don’t “camera dump” all images from an event. Weed out badly cropped, out-of-focus or redundant images to make page building a breeze.
Be selective when adding images to a page: fewer, better quality images tell a story. Don’t overcrowd your page with dozens of photos – unless you include a free magnifying glass with your yearbook!
Assign photographers to cover events early in the season or recruit event organizers to provide images. Plan ahead to get the book done efficiently. Avoid downloading photos from your school website, as these are often downsized to make web page loading faster. Get your photos from their photographer for best resolution.
Use original high quality photos take on phones an cameras. Photos should be transferred directly from the camera roll to the yearbook. If a photo appears banded by large black areas, the image is a low quality screenshot. Get the original image to ensure good quality.
Include general photos taken around your school to decorate your book – the classrooms, the tech, the facilities, the grounds. Schools change over time, so document it today. Only use images from your school community, your studio, or the Studio Source content catalogue. Do not download images found in a general web search – avoid copyright and resolution issues.

Yearbook Photo Albums

Photos in the Yearbook Photo Albums will be used in the Page Editor to build your pages. Photos can be uploaded to yearbook photo albums in the Book Manager or in the Page Editor.


Albums can be created on the Yearbook Photo Album page or in the Page Editor from the Photos tab.

To create an album:

  1. Click on the +New Album button
  2. Name the Album
  3. Click Add Album

The new album will appear in alphabetical order.


Photos can be added to an album on the Yearbook Photo Album page or in the Page Editor from the Photos tab.

To add photos to an album:

  1. Click on the Album you want to add photos to
  2. Click Upload Photos
  3. Select the Photos you want to upload from your computer
  4. Click Open to start the upload

Used Image Indicator

Once a photo has been used on a page, it will display a Used Image Indicator in it’s album within the Page Editor. The indicator will show the number of times the photo has been used in the entire book.

Note: The Used Image Indicator will appear or add another image count when you move to another page.

Community Photo Albums

Community Photo Albums provide a way to receive photos safely from members of your school community who are not working directly on the yearbook.

  • Photo contributors can upload photos securely on any internet connected device
  • Uploaded images can only be reviewed by Editors & Editors-in-Chief
  • Photos must be transfered to a Yearbook Photo Album for use in the book

Watch an overview of Community Photo Albums in the video below.


Due to the child online safety rules, community photo albums are password protected. Only Editors and Editors-in-Chief may set up community albums.

To begin creating a Community Photo Album:

  1. Click on Community Photo Albums on the left side of the book manager
  2. Click on Setup Community Photo Albums to set the password
  3. Create a Password for guests to access community photo albums
    • The password should include a mix of upper and lower case letters, at least one number, and one non-alphanumeric character
  1. Click on the +New Album button to create an album
  2. Give the album a name specific to events or yearbook sections to help keep photos organized
  3. Click Add Album

The newly created album will appear in alphabetical order. Each album will display it’s active link status and the number of images in each folder.

Tip: Be sure to write down your password in a safe place – you’ll need to provide this password to anyone uploading photos to the community albums.


Each community album has its own website link that can be copied individually or all at once, to be sent by email or text message to invite staff, parents and students to upload photos for use in the yearbook.

To share a single album link:

  1. Hover over an album and Click the Meatballs Menu
  2. Choose Get Shareable Link
  3. Click Copy Link
  4. Paste the Copied Link into an email or other message

To share multiple album links:

  1. Click on the Kebab Menu of the Community Photo Album page
  2. Click on Copy Sharing Links
  3. Click the first Copy Link button to copy all album links
  4. Paste the copied text in an email or a message (Be sure to send the community album password in your message)

When the recipient of your message clicks on the link, they will be prompted to enter the password in order to upload photos to the albums you sent them.

To ensure Print Quality, request photos to be:

  • High-resolution JPG files (300 dpi) taken directly on your camera
  • Do Not submit low-resolution screenshots of photos from your phone
  • Do Not submit images downloaded from websites
  • Avoid using online collage-makers, as these usually output low-resolution content

Note: Community albums only display photo thumbnails. The folders do not show preview images, and will not show other photos uploaded in previous sessions for reasons of child online privacy.

Tip: Ask your photo contributors to rename their image files with helpful info to help identify the event or the people in the photos. For example, BakeSale May2.jpg or JenniferK AllieN Gr2.jpg.


Album links are on by default. However, the links can be turned off if there is a submission deadline or too many images have been received.

To turn off an individual community album:

  1. Click the album’s Meatballs Menu
  2. Click Get Shareable Link
  3. Turn off the Link Sharing toggle

No further uploads may be made to this album.

To turn off all uploads for all albums, click on the Kebab Menu on the community albums page, then select Disable Guest Uploading.


To use photos in your yearbook, you must move them out of the community album into a yearbook photo album.

This step is required due to child online privacy rules to ensure that all photos have been vetted by a senior member of the yearbook team.

Tip: Be selective about which photos make it over to your design team. Only transfer the best images to speed up your page design – weed out near duplicate, badly framed or out-of-focus images.

Moving Images Between Albums

Community Photo Album images must be transferred to a Yearbook Photo Album to make them accessible in the page editor. Images cannot be moved between different Community Photo Albums.

To transfer photos to a Yearbook Album:

  1. Click into the Community Photo Album containing the photos that need to be moved
  2. Choose to Select All the images in the album or Select Individual Images by checkmarking them
  3. Click Move Photos
  4. Use the Dropdown List to select the Yearbook Album folder you are moving the photos to
  5. Click on Move Photos to complete the transfer


Sorting & Searching Photos

Use the album’s Kebab Menu in the Book Manager or Page Editor to:

  • Show or hide file names
    • In the Book Manager, file names appear at the bottom left corner of the photo previews
    • In the Page Editor, file names appear under each photo within their album
  • Sort images by file name or upload date
  • Change the order in which they are displayed

In the Page Editor, search for a photo’s file name within all albums by typing into the search field on the Photos Tab or the search field within each individual album.


If the password is forgotten or needs to be changed to block access to the albums, it can be reset by an Editor or an Editor-in-Chief. Click on the Kebab Menu to choose Reset Password. Type in a new password, then be sure to send an update message to anyone who needs access to the community albums.

To rename a Community or Yearbook Album, hover over the album and Click the Meatballs Menu. Choose Rename, type in the new album name, then click the Rename Album button to finalize the change.

Hover over the Community or Yearbook Album you want to delete, click on the Meatballs Menu, then choose Delete. The album and its contents will immediately vanish.

Note: Once deleted, there are no means to restore the album nor the images – technical support services cannot restore lost images. (Images already added to your yearbook pages will not disappear from those pages, but cannot be redropped or downloaded.)

Tip: Before deleting a Community Album, transfer all photos you want to keep into a Yearbook Photo Album.

Editors-in-Chief may download photos from the Community and Yearbook Albums by:

  1. Click on the album containing the photos to be downloaded
  2. Select the photos individually or choose Select All
  3. Click Download Photos

If an image fails to upload to a Yearbook or Community Album, it may be due to the file size, file type, or the image is not saved with an sRGB color profile.

If you wish to upload a non-supported image file type and do not have access to an image editing software (such as Photoshop), look for a free online image converter. The SSY support team recommends as a useful tool.


Note: Studio Source Yearbooks is not connected to this tool and does not provide support services for its use. Also note that if you convert a PNG with a transparency around into a JPG, you will lose the transparency, but converting a JPG to a PNG will not create transparency around the image.

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