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Face Matching, Coverage Reports & Indexes

How Face Matching Works

Pixami includes face matching technology that uses the uploaded portraits to find matches in the candid images. Candid images are tagged with the name of the person in the photo, allowing for the easy creation of coverage reports and indexes. This automated feature can replace hours of manual labor require to identify people in photos by eagle-eyed advisors.

How to know if face matching as run on your yearbook
First, portrait images need to have been imported into your book. Face matching takes some time to run, as it must analyze the portrait images and then the candid images to locate matches.  Face matching is visible in three places:

In the Photo tab at the bottom of the Candid image preview area, the last run date & time for face matching will be displayed.

Tagged Candid images will show a yellow icon under their previews.

Click on the preview icon of a candid image (eye icon) to see which faces have been tagged. Green indicates that the match is very confident, yellow indicates the match is less confident. 

Face Matching & Privacy

Face matching only uses name and photo data that has already been provided with the uploaded portrait set, applying this same information to candids for the purpose of saving time and improving accuracy. The information applied to the photos never shared outside of your yearbook software and subject to the same thorough and strict privacy policy that already exists for user data. It’s hosted with the Pixami software in a secure, state-of-the-art environment at Amazon (AWS). Once the yearbook is completed, the data is delete along with the photos.

To learn more, download this printable pdf document from Pixami.

Coverage Reports

The Activity tab includes a detailed report used portraits and allowed you to generate a report to review which people have been added to particular pages.

To use the Coverage report

  1. Go to the Activity Tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Coverage area.
  3. Check the Portraits column to review the total number of portraits uploaded, the number flowed to pages, and unflowed (unused).
  4. Click the Report button and download the text-only results.
  5. Use the report to find people who do not appear on any pages, or people who appear more pages than expected.

Building an Index

The Index feature allows you to create a set of index pages in your book that lists all students in alphabetical order along with the page number(s) of the book in which they appear.

Student names and their corresponding page numbers are automatically added to the index for all Portrait photos. Pixami’s new face matching technology will help identify students in the candid images. 

Note: The formatting of the Index pages and the number of students will affect the number of pages needed for the Index Section. Add a few more pages than you think you will need. You can delete any unneeded pages later.

To create an index:

  1. Go to the Yearbook Ladder
  2. Click + New Section
  3. Type Index in Section Name
  4. Enter the number of pages
  5. Select a Color
  6. Click OK
  7. Checkout the section
  8. Click the Layouts tab
  1. Select the Index Pages category
  2. Choose a layout
  3. Drag & Drop onto your pages
  4. Click Index Wizard
  5. Select Text Point Size
  6. Check the Box to add headers for the letters of the alphabet, if desired
  7. Click Create / Update Index

Tip: Always remember to update your index in the Index Wizard as a final step before submitting your book for proofing and approval. This will make sure that the index is up to date with all of the changes in the book.

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